about us

RECW is the largest manufacturer & supplier of lmproved Biomass Cook Stoves & MCB DBs in India. RECW is a pioneer in the lmproved Biomass Cookstove manufacturing for over several years. With an expanding India footprint, the company is a category leader in natural dra biomass cookstoves with higher efficiency and lower emissions, RECW is a top quarle player in India. We are well associated with instuons like Clean Cooking Alliance, Clean Energy Assess Network, GIZ, WWF-India etc.

We are the very first cookstove manufacturer approved by Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Government of India and have disseminated millions of lmproved Cookstoves. With that strong a commitment, we took beyond the fence and beyond mere compliance of law to migate and off-set our unwarranted business footprints through our corporate social responsibility programme . RECW serves as the CSR arm to various companies like ACC Cement Ltd. At present we are working on pan India basis & extensively work in norther part of India.

Our Vision is to reduce the indoor air polluon and provide clean cooking energy soluons to all. Especially to those household who has limited access to LPGs & uses mud chulhas (tradional stoves). True to that spirit, our mission is to facilitate the stakeholders hasten their social, economic and environmental progress through effecve management of human and natural capital. Also, to help women folks by providing clean cooking stoves through Carbon Credit mechanism to increase affordability.

Our Mission is to encourage professionals, entrepreneurs and common man for fighting against indoor air pollution and carbon emission problems by using fuel efficient, smoke reducing, best qualities of improved biomass cookstoves and creating awareness by conducting workshops and providing them training in this field.
